Hunting Tags Required by March 31, 2025

It’s that time of year again to return your hunting tags for your $15.00 rebate and opportunity to win Sportco gift cards (two $50 gift cards and one $200 gift card) in our upcoming Hunting and Wildlife Department RAFFLE. For more information go to Puyallup Tribe Hunting and Wildlife.

Puyallup Canoe on water

Power Paddle to Puyallup Youth Canoe Journey 2024

Our Sacred Youth

Canoe Journey Update: Message about hosting


What is Canoe Journey?

The Canoe Journey is an annual tradition of traveling on ancestral waterways.

This Year’s Canoe Journey: A Focus on Youth

Connie McCloud shared, “The whole point of this Youth Journey is to teach our children so that you have the adults, you have the Elders, working with the youth to train them to be in the leadership position. It doesn’t eliminate any canoe families from participating. It puts the focus on training our youth.” This statement captures the purpose and goal of this years journey in that our Puyallup shores are open to all.

The youth journey is an opportunity for elders to impart their knowledge, for adults to guide and support, and for our youth to step confidently into roles of leadership. This will assist in ensuring that the culture is continued on through future generations.


SOFT LANDING: July 30, 2024
LANDING: July 31, 2024
PROTOCOL: August 1 - 5, 2024

Monday, August 5th, 2024 - Protcol day 5

Disclaimer: This list may change, so please check the protocol list inside the protocol tent to see our current progress. Canoe families, please stay updated on where we are in the schedule.

  1. Squaxin
  2. Nisqually – yex wule? suqw
  3. Muckleshoot
  4. leimomiwaiwainui
  5. swaqwseb / Chief Leschi Schools / Puyallup

Sunday, August 4th, 2024 - Protocol day 4

Disclaimer: This list may change, so please check the protocol list inside the protocol tent to see our current progress. Canoe families, please stay updated on where we are in the schedule.

  1. Tulalip
  2. Salish Spirit
  3. Snoqualmie
  4. Alaska Tlingit
  5. Blue Heron
  6. Shell House UW
  7. Duwamish
  8. Carvers Camp

Saturday , August 3rd, 2024 - Protocol day 3

Disclaimer: This list may change, so please check the protocol list inside the protocol tent to see our current progress. Canoe families, please stay updated on where we are in the schedule.

  1. Chehalis
  2. Suquamish
  3. Sacred Water
  4. Tana Stubs
  5. Nooksack
  6. Samish
  7. Westshore
  8. Lhaqutemish
  9. Blackhawks
  10. NWIC
  11. Kingfisher
  12. Swinomish

Additional dates will be provided later.

Friday , August 2nd, 2024 - Protocol day 2

Last Updated on August 1, 2024 @ 8:30pm

Disclaimer: This list may change, so please check the protocol list inside the protocol tent to see our current progress. Canoe families, please stay updated on where we are in the schedule.

  1. Pacheedaht
  2. Warm Springs
  3. Grand Rounde
  4. Portland All Nations
  5. Quileute
  6. Mowachat
  7. Sootscoo
  8. Quinault
  9. Chehalis
  10. Cowlitz
  11. Skok
  12. Suquamish

Additional dates will be provided later.

Thursday , August 1st, 2024 - Protocol day 1

The protocol list for the canoe families is as follows:

8:30AM – Prayer

9:00AM – Protocol starts

  1. Tla’amin Nation
  2. Sts’ailes
  3. Xwelmexw
  4. Pil’alt
  5. Snuneymuxw – Munu
  6. Kwumut lelum
  7. Qwyano
  8. Maqumis
  10. Homalco (?)

The protocol will begin at 9 AM and end at 11 PM. Each family will have a maximum of 1.5 hours on the floor. Please be aware that there will be no breaks during this time. Additional dates will be provided later.

Youth Activites Schedule of events

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Canoe Journey Reminder: Attention all Canoe Journey participants

The Power Paddle to Puyallup Youth Canoe Journey 2024 is a drug and alcohol-free event. Anyone found violating this rule will be asked to leave the event. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a safe and respectful environment for everyone.

Canoe Journey Contacts

Contact Info

Connie McCloud
Phone: (253) 389-8729

Chester Earl
Phone: (253) 307-3659

Clinton McCloud
Phone: (253) 278-8393

Angie Totus
Phone: (253) 320-8361



Volunteer Sign-up

We are looking for volunteers to help during our hosting. Please look here for more information.

Click Here

Canoe Family Registration

Canoe families that plan to attend please let us know by registering here. We will use this contact information to send updates.

Click Here

Vendor Sign-up

To sign up to be a Vendor please email Events Vendor:




Registered Canoe Families

Below is the list of registered canoe families. Names and spelling as provided by the registration form. This list was last updated as of July 17th, 2024 at 9 A.M.

  1. Portland All Nations Canoe Family
  2. Salmon Dancer
  3. Samish Canoe Family
  4. SeaWolf – Swaltcelitca
  5. Queets Canoe Family
  6. Puyallup
  7. Kwumut Lelum Canoe Family
  8. Snoqualmie canoe family
  9. Tla’amin Canoe Family
  10. Cowlitz Canoe Family
  11. Chief Leschi School Canoe Family
  12. Chehalis Canoe Family
  13. Cowlitz, Canoe,, Family
  14. 7 Waters
  15. Leimomiwaiwainui Canoe Family
  16. Squaxin Island Canoe Family
  17. Suquamish
  18. Seawolf
  19. Wellbeing
  20. Ahmoose ahmoose
  21. ii – yuca- mutiook
  22. diƛkʷaʕqƛ xaadaʔk
  23. Swinomish Youth Canoe Family
  24. Munu Canoe Family
  25. Munu
  26. TBD – Ditidaht
  27. Lhaqtemish Canoe Family
  28. Tana Stubš (2 canoes)
  29. Tana Stubš (2 canoes)
  30. č̓away̓altxʷ ʔiišəd – Shellhouse Canoe Family at UW
  31. Sqwudaytud
  32. Suquamish
  33. Suquamish
  34. Mowachaht-Muchalaht
  35. Nokedjak
  36. Skookum
  37. N’chi Wanapum
  38. Swan/Manhousaht
  39. Moomooquin canoe family
  40. Qwyano
  41. swaq̓ʷsəb
  42. Nooksack Way of Life
  43. SC’IANEW Canoe Family
  44. River road
  45. lək̓ʷəŋən
  46. Xwelmexw Canoe Family
  47. Maqumis
  48. Stanki’ya
  49. Ulxayu
  50. Carvers’ Camp
  51. Tulalip Canoe Family
  52. χʷomaɬkʷu
  53. Salish Spirit Canoe Family
  54. Charlie Family – Sts’ailes
  55. Chichi
  56. qisqis
  57. Lottie
  58. SootsCoo Crew
  59. Elder Spirit
  60. SCIANEW Canoe Family
  61. Muckleshoot Canoe Family
  62. Eagle Spirit
  63. Warrior Spirit
  64. Sacred Water
  65. Sts’ailes Mestexw
  66. chicha
  67. qisiqs
  68. Kaasai
  69. WSÁNEĆ canoe family
  70. Kwi-Di-Do-Kwis
  71. Kwi-Di-Do-Kwis
  72. Lummi Blackhawk Canoe family
  73. yex wule? Suqw
  74. yex wule? Suqw
  75. yex wule? Suqw
  76. NWIC
  77. Pil’alt Warrior Canoe Family – “Skwó:wech” Journey Canoe
  78. Fearless
  79. Seahawk

Upcoming Canoe Journey Events