Hunting Tags Required by March 31, 2025

It’s that time of year again to return your hunting tags for your $15.00 rebate and opportunity to win Sportco gift cards (two $50 gift cards and one $200 gift card) in our upcoming Hunting and Wildlife Department RAFFLE. For more information go to Puyallup Tribe Hunting and Wildlife.

Vaccination requirement ends, masks optional

Vaccination requirement ends, masks optional

With COVID-19 numbers dropping, Tribal Council has made three important changes to our reopening plan. These are effective Tuesday, March 1:

  1. Vaccinations are NO LONGER required as a condition of employment and
  2. Unvaccinated employees will no longer need to test weekly as the vaccination sites will be closing.
  3. Masks are optional. 

These changes apply to all Tribal Entities EXCEPT Puyallup Tribal Health Authority, Elders, and Chief Leschi Schools. 

With these changes, With these changes, we will enter Modified Phase 4 today, Tuesday, Mar. 1. Please see the above reopening plan for more information and ask the administrative manager if you have questions. THANK YOU for helping keep our community safe. 

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Watch over yourselves well. 

–Tribal Administration