Hunting Tags Required by March 31, 2025

It’s that time of year again to return your hunting tags for your $15.00 rebate and opportunity to win Sportco gift cards (two $50 gift cards and one $200 gift card) in our upcoming Hunting and Wildlife Department RAFFLE. For more information go to Puyallup Tribe Hunting and Wildlife.

Tribe Offers New History and Language Resources

Tribe Offers New History and Language Resources

Submitted by Historic Preservation and Language Program staff

haʔł sləx̌il!

Historic Preservation and Language recently released a series of online educational resources.

We envision these resources being used within the Tribe for staff trainings or shared with your respective partners.

Photo provided by State Capital Museum, 1880s, unknown photographer. Small fishing weir located on Yelm Jim’s allotment.

Lushootseed Land Acknowledgement

We are Puyallup: A brief overview of Puyallup tribal history

Boarding School and Cushman Project (videos and guiding documents)

Updated Puyallup Tribe webpage on Puyallup history

Puyallup Tribe webpage on Land Acknowledgments

Also a reminder that both departments have our own Facebook pages that regularly post photos, videos, and historic information.

We would love to hear feedback about how the resources are being used and what other resources would be most useful for tribal staff and members.

Please email your comments to or call 253-573-7965.

Feature photo provided by Historic Preservation Department, Ione Knox collection. Cushman Boarding School students.