Hunting Tags Required by March 31, 2025

It’s that time of year again to return your hunting tags for your $15.00 rebate and opportunity to win Sportco gift cards (two $50 gift cards and one $200 gift card) in our upcoming Hunting and Wildlife Department RAFFLE. For more information go to Puyallup Tribe Hunting and Wildlife.

Tribal Council Candidates Are Invited to Participate in Parade

Tribal Council Candidates Are Invited to Participate in Parade

If you are a tribal council candidate and wish to be part of the soicla distance parade, please not that the staging for the parade begins at 10:30 a.m. at Cheif Leschi Schools, 5625 52nd St. E, Puyallup. The parade will begin at 11 a.m.

Please do not throw candy or have physical contact with the participants.

For more information on the parade, contact Chester Earl, Community Events Coordinator, 253-307-3659.