Hunting Tags Required by March 31, 2025

It’s that time of year again to return your hunting tags for your $15.00 rebate and opportunity to win Sportco gift cards (two $50 gift cards and one $200 gift card) in our upcoming Hunting and Wildlife Department RAFFLE. For more information go to Puyallup Tribe Hunting and Wildlife.

Tribal Admin building, Youth Center, Culture building closed this week

Tribal Admin building, Youth Center, Culture building closed this week

Dear Tribal community,

Administration has learned of two positive cases among employees today. With the rises in cases and possible exposures, Tribal Council has approved closure of the following buildings for the rest of this week as a precaution:

  • Main Administration Building
  • Youth Center
  • Culture Building

Administration will re-evaluate conditions on Friday (watch for updates online). Employees are expected to telework if they are able. If you have an in-person appointment scheduled, please contact that department to reschedule. 

Tribal Directory is online

Our Tribal Directory is now ONLINE.

haʔɫ kʷ(i) adsəslabcəbut. Watch over yourselves well.

-Tribal Administration