Puyallup Tribal Enterprises announces new company, Tahoma Construction Services

PUYALLUP RESERVATION, Tacoma, Wash.— To handle the Puyallup Tribe’s growing portfolio of construction projects, Puyallup Tribal Enterprises (PTE) has announced the creation of the Tribe’s own construction company, Tahoma Construction Services (TCS).

“This is one more ambitious piece of our economic growth,” said the Puyallup Tribal Council, the Tribe’s elected governing body.

TCS will specialize in commercial and residential projects. One of its first will be to act as general contractor for a Tribal housing complex with 45 townhomes and 10 single-family homes. The housing project is funded by the Tribe’s own funds.

“TCS will not only provide jobs for Tribal members and give the Tribe the ability to build its own projects, but it is also another opportunity for revenue diversification as TCS plans to expand and start bidding on local projects,” said Matt Wadhwani, the Tribe’s Financial Officer and PTE CEO.

Puyallup Tribal Enterprises is the parent company of Tahoma Construction Services, and shares the same leadership team, reporting up to the Puyallup Tribal Council.

“The broader reach is to be a profitable company that provides long term construction jobs for Tribal members. Rather than waiting for projects to come into the Tribe, we want to go out and get projects in the nearby area because we have a strategic advantage being a Tribal construction company and that should be leveraged,” said Kyle Eley, PTE’s COO.

It’s the company’s goal to expand organically, construct many of the Tribe’s development projects and compete for construction projects outside of the Tribe.