Chinese delegation visits Puyallup Reservation

Chinese Delegate visit

By Hailey Palmer, Puyallup Tribal News

A delegation from China visited the Tacoma area in mid-July and during their time in the Pacific Northwest, the delegates connected with the Puyallup Tribe.

Tribal Councilwoman Annette Bryan visited China earlier this summer as part of a delegation honoring the 30th anniversary of the Sister City relationship between Tacoma and Fuzhou.

Councilwoman Bryan returned the favor in Tacoma, leading tours of the Puyallup Reservation for the Chinese delegates, including Tahoma Global Logistics.

The delegates were in the area for the 6th U.S.-China Sister Cities Summit, a program put together by Sister Cities International. The summit included tours, discussions and a salmon bake in Thea’s Park hosted by the Puyallup Tribe. Tacoma has Sister City relationships with more than a dozen cities, including Kitakyushu, Japan; Brovary, Ukraine; and Vladivostok, Russia.

Not only did the Chinese delegates tour the reservation by land, but they also took a tour through the air, hopping on a scenic Kenmore Air flight that left from the Tribe’s seaplane dock next to its new Woven Seafood & Chophouse restaurant on Ruston Way. The Tribe and Kenmore Air partnered in 2023 to bring seaplane service to the area.

Puyallup Tribal Council hosted a dinner for the delegates at the Emerald Queen Casino in Tacoma later that evening. Heritage Division Manager Connie McCloud delivered a blessing to the guests which also included city officials from around the area.

Chairman Bill Sterud, Councilwoman Bryan and Councilman James Rideout expressed their excitement and thankfulness to the delegates about future opportunities for collaboration. Zhang Dingfeng, executive deputy mayor of the Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government, also spoke, through an interpreter.

Here is an excerpt of what each member of Tribal Council and Dingfeng said:

Chairman Sterud

“We’ve spent years and years waiting for this moment to happen. We’ve looked at our port in Tacoma where all that land was taken from us, and we are now taking back some of it. One of my goals for 45 years has been to develop a relationship on the international level, especially with China. I hope you understand how important your visit is to us. This is a major move in our history with you coming to visit us on our reservation. I am extremely honored to sit here before you and talk to you. This is really, really wonderful and there’s some economic development opportunities. I would like to say we’d make a great joint partnership.”

Annette Bryan

“I really am glad you accepted the invitation to come and visit us here while you’re in Tacoma. The Puyallup Tribe is interested in learning more about the Sister Cities and we thank the Sister Cities committees and the City of Tacoma for including the Puyallup Tribe in their delegation. … I’m just really grateful I got the opportunity to see your cities when we got to go to China and get to know you. I really hope we can have more of a relationship as we move forward.”

James Rideout

“It’s so important that we develop the right relationships in how we move forward as a Tribe. We, as leaders, are tasked with the responsibility to protect and preserve, but also evolve in today’s modern times, so we have something for our next generations and people we don’t even see yet. … The Chinese people have been some of the most gracious people I’ve ever met in my life that gave me support from across the pond. When we needed help as a Tribe you already helped us. I know that our cultures are similarly aligned.”

Zhang Dingfeng

“The first stop of our visit was the Puyallup Tribe Reservation. We gained firsthand experience of its industries including hotels and a logistics center. …  Every event and visit organized by the City of Tacoma and the Puyallup Tribe was filled out with a strong bond of friendship. We can’t wait to share those heartwarming and touching experiences. The Fuzhou delegation wishes to express our sincerest appreciation for all of your hospitality. I sincerely hope we can continue to deepen our friendly exchanges and collaborations, so our friendship can continue for generations to come.”