Hunting Tags Required by March 31, 2025

It’s that time of year again to return your hunting tags for your $15.00 rebate and opportunity to win Sportco gift cards (two $50 gift cards and one $200 gift card) in our upcoming Hunting and Wildlife Department RAFFLE. For more information go to Puyallup Tribe Hunting and Wildlife.

Attention Tribal Members and Tribal Employees: Tribe will pay you for full COVID-19 vaccinations

Attention Tribal Members and Tribal Employees: Tribe will pay you for full COVID-19 vaccinations

Update: The Vaccine Incentive Program deadline has been extended indefinitely.

Please read this important announcement from Tribal Council and learn how to claim a $500 vaccination incentive.*

A message from the Puyallup Tribal Council to our Membership and Employees

Friends and relatives,

We want to save your life.

Our Tribe’s medical director, Dr. Alan Shelton, has guided us through this pandemic and helped us protect our community. We trust him. Now he tells us we are in a new wave of COVID-19. He also tells us that vaccinations are safe, they work, and they protect the whole community. Even people who get sick from the Delta variant, he says, aren’t getting as sick as the people who are unvaccinated.

Tribal Council cares about the health of our community. We care so much that we’re going to pay you to get vaccinated! Any Puyallup Tribal Member 12 or older and any employee of our Tribe and its Entities is eligible to receive $500 for full vaccination against COVID-19, even if they’ve already gotten the shots. Not everyone can get safely vaccinated, so talk with your own doctor to make sure you can get the vaccine.

Sept. 30, 2021, is the LAST date you may submit an application. The program expires after that.

COVID-19 is serious. It was serious a year ago and it’s serious now. Council is all together on this, and all in. This is an investment in our collective health. Get vaccinated and help your community.

This is by no means an attempt to try and FORCE anyone to do something they do not want to do. This is an attempt to protect each and every one of you with a shot that has proven to help.*

We send prayers and love to all you in your time of making these difficult decisions to protect your family and community.

Lots of love and prayers,
Chairman Bill Sterud, Vice Chairwoman Sylvia Miller, Annette Bryan, James Rideout, Anna Bean, Monica Miller, Fred Dillon

Who may apply for an incentive payment?*

  • Puyallup Tribal Member: Any Puyallup Tribal Member ages 5 and older
  • Puyallup Tribal Employee: Any employee of the Puyallup Tribal government or the Puyallup Tribe’s entities (EQC, MVV, PTHA, PTCE, Qwibil, SCC, and CLS)

Note: You must be in at least one of the categories above. Check with your HR department if you have any questions about eligibility.

How to claim your incentive payment*

Gather these materials:

  1. A copy or photo of your vaccination card
  2. A copy of your Tribal ID (front and back) (only if you are a Tribal member)
  3. A copy of the Vaccination Incentive Program form (download here or at the bottom of this post. The form is not needed if you apply online; if you are a non-Tribal-Member employee, ask your HR department for one)

*Consult with your doctor to determine if you are eligible to get the vaccine

Are you:

A Tribal Member who also is employed by the Tribe or a Tribal Entity (MVV, EQC, CBC, etc.)? Choose how to apply:

  • Online. Follow this link. You will need ALL the materials listed above.
  • Email. Email all of the materials listed above to:
  • In person with your employer’s HR or Administration. You will need ALL the materials listed above.
  • In person at the main Tribal Administration Building, 3009 E. Portland Ave., Tacoma WA 98404. There will be a table set up in the building’s breezeway facing Portland Avenue. Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.
  • Mail your application materials (all of the materials listed above) to:

Puyallup Tribal Administration
Attn: Vaccination Program
3009 E. Portland Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98404

A Tribal Member who is NOT employed by the Tribe or one of its Entities? Choose how to apply:

  • Online. Follow this link. You will need ALL the materials listed above.
  • Email. Email all of the materials listed above to:
  • In person at the main Tribal Administration Building, 3009 E. Portland Ave., Tacoma WA 98404. There will be a table set up in the building’s breezeway facing Portland Avenue. Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.
  • Mail your application materials (all of the materials listed above) to:

Puyallup Tribal Administration
Attn: Vaccination Program
3009 E. Portland Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98404

An employee who is NOT a Tribal Member? Choose how to apply (ask HR for the correct form):

  • Email. Email all of the materials listed above to:
  • In person with your employer’s HR or Administration. You will need ALL the materials listed above.
  • Mail your application materials (all of the materials listed above) to:

Puyallup Tribal Administration
Attn: Vaccination Program
3009 E. Portland Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98404


You must submit an application NO LATER than Sept. 30, 2021.

Do you need an application form?

  • Email
  • Call 253-344-3845
  • If you are a Tribal Member, click here to get the form. If you are a non-Tribal-Member employee, contact your HR to get the form.

Do you have questions about the vaccine?

Where can I get a vaccine?

If you are a Puyallup Tribal Health Authority patient, call (253) 593-0232 to schedule your appointment or learn more about the drive-thru clinic in the PTHA parking lot.

Read more at COVID-19 vaccines at PTHA at:

You can also use the the Vaccine Finder tool. Simply visit this link,,provide your zip code and the locator map will show the options nearby.

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