Inclement Weather – Admin early closure

Tribal Administration will close at 2:00 p.m. today due to expected weather conditions.

All after school activities are canceled today.

Please call the inclement weather hotline at 253-680-5700 for updates.

Legal Aid Office

Contact Info

Only Monday – Friday

David Sawyer,

P: (253) 382-6810
Text: (253) 678-2276


  • Civil Legal Aid Office Now Open at Tribal Admin
  • Civil Lawsuits only
  • Available to Tribal Members only.
  • Provides free legal services to members, advice about legal options, and referrals to community resources.
  • Three attorneys available to offer representation
  • Services King, Pierce, and Thurston counties across Tribal, county, and federal courts
  • Specializes in family law, creating trust, mediation, estate planning, cleaning and sealing records, restoring gun rights, fishing and wildlife violations, etc.
  • Double-sided representation available

Do you have a will in place?

The new Legal Aid Office would like to remind Puyallup Tribal Members of its will specialist services. A will can ensure both your family and assets are taken care of and protected how you see fit. Most importantly a will assists with:

  • Obtaining peace of mind
  • Preventing disputes over your assets
  • Determining who inherits your property
  • Directing your burial

Make an appointment with the Legal Aid Office’s will specialist today!

Appointment Monday through Friday, virtual or in-person, at the main Admin building. Contact (253) 382-6810 or email for questions and appointments.

*The office is independently contracted by the Tribe and is not a Tribal Administration department.