Inclement Weather – Admin early closure

Tribal Administration will close at 2:00 p.m. today due to expected weather conditions.

All after school activities are canceled today.

Please call the inclement weather hotline at 253-680-5700 for updates.

Preschool Assistance Program

Mission Statement

The intent of the Preschool Assistance Program is to aid Puyallup Tribal member and non-Puyallup Tribal member parents (with Tribal member children) with monetary assistance to attend an accredited or licensed preschool which provides a learning environment that centers on intellectual, physical, social and emotional development, thereby providing children with the initial fundamental tools needed to become academically successful.

Contact Info

Tribal Services Planner:
Valerie Scott

Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

3009 E. Portland Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98404

Main Contact Number:
P: (253) 573-7903
F: (253) 573-7886

Maximum Funding Provided

  • Funding cannot exceed $1,000 per year. Any amount over the maximum amount will be the responsibility of the parent (October-September).

Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicant must be an enrolled member of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians;
  • If the parent is not an enrolled member of the Puyallup Tribe, they must provide documentation indicating primary custody of Puyallup Tribal member child and sign W-9;
  • Child must be a Puyallup Tribal member between the ages of 3-5;
  • Preschool must be an accredited or licensed facility;
  • Preschool must provide acceptance letter, invoice and W-9.

Applications, Policies and Procedures

Puyallup Tribe Preschool Assistance Program Applications, Policies and Procedures can be obtained at the above address. Please Note: Policies are subject to change during the course of the year.