Inclement Weather – Admin early closure

Tribal Administration will close at 2:00 p.m. today due to expected weather conditions.

All after school activities are canceled today.

Please call the inclement weather hotline at 253-680-5700 for updates.

Emergency Housing Repair Program

Mission Statement

The intent of the Emergency Housing Repair Program is to provide Puyallup Tribal members the opportunity to live in decent, safe and sanitary housing. This will be accomplished by assisting with an emergency housing situation or occurrence that happens unexpectedly and demands immediate action. This program is not intended to replace other housing programs, but will increase the services provided for emergency repairs. In addition, when safety and security is an issue on the exterior parameter of an (elder) applicant’s unit, assistance will be granted to alleviate such hazards.


Don Coats, Director
Kelly Sasticum, Program Coordinator
Faith Sleeper, Program Coordinator
Alacyn Sleeper, Program Coordinator
Mikayla Strickler, Intake Specialist

Contact Info

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Physical Address:
3700 Pacific Hwy E
Suite #210
Fife, WA 98424

Mailing Address:
3002 Duct Cho St.
Tacoma WA 98404

P: (253) 573-7972
F: (253) 573-7825

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant must be:

  • Enrolled member of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians;
  • Unit must be applicant’s primary residence;
  • Applicant must own home (fee title, trust title);
  • Assistance is one tribal member per household and/or address per fiscal year (October 1–September 30);
  • Effective October 1, 2021, applicant must reside in Pierce, King or Thurston Counties; or reside within fifty (50) miles of the Puyallup Tribe Reservation boundaries.

Application Process

Applicant must:

  • Fill out and sign Emergency Housing Repair Application each fiscal year program is used. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
  • Provide documentation of enrollment, i.e., copy of Tribal identification card;
  • Documentation of Homeownership or provide Emergency Housing Program Director with the name and number of Mortgage Company to confirm homeownership;
  • Provide homeowners insurance to cover cost of work first (water, fire, flood, wind etc.)

Other Information

Emergency Housing Repair Assistance funds are limited. It will be up the Emergency Housing Repair Program Director’s discretion to prioritize on a case by case basis. Elders 55 and older and certified disabled members will have priority for housing emergencies.

Please Note: Policies are subject to change during the course of the year.

Applications, Policies and Procedure

Submit application by:
3002 Duct Cho St.
Tacoma, WA 98404Ph
