Higher Education
Mission Statement
The intent of the Higher Education Program is to provide Tribal members with tuition, mandatory fees, on-campus room and board, books and supplies, student living assistance (when not living on campus while attending an accredited college, university or vocational college), funding for recertification courses and continuing education classes and College gift to graduates.
Contact Information
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Physical Address:
3001 Puyalupabsh St.
Tacoma WA 98404
Mailing Address:
3002 Duct Cho St.
Tacoma WA 98404
Phone: (253) 573-7917
Available Assistance
- Tuition, mandatory fees, on-campus room and board: The Higher Education Program will pay up to a maximum combined total of $50,000 per fiscal year; state schools and private, Ivy League up to $90,000 per fiscal year (October to September); and
- Mandatory books and supplies: Per quarter up to $1000; per semester up to $1500. Miscellaneous Items such as clothing, food, calendars, etc. are not considered an allowable supply expense.
Additional Assistance Includes
- Student living expenses: Eligible students may receive a monthly living assistance stipend based on the following enrollment status: $500/month for full-time and $250/month for part-time students (to qualify for part-time living assistance, must take at a minimum one 5 credit class per semester/quarter, whichever is applicable). Students receiving on-campus room and board do not qualify to receive Student Living Assistance;
- Continuing education or re-certification classes: Higher Education Program will provide up to $1000 per year for registration fees;
- College gift to graduates: Vocational-Technical College Certificate (6 months or longer) $125; Associates degree or two-year Vocational-Technical College $500; Bachelor’s degree $700; Masters $1000, and Doctorate degree $1300 and a Pendleton blanket.
Program Requirements
Eligibility Requirements
- To qualify for funding under the Higher Education Program, all students must:
- Be an enrolled member of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians;
- Complete and return Higher Education Program application;
- Submit verification of a high school diploma or GED;
- Attend an educational institution that is nationally accredited and eligible for Title IV grants (Federally Funded Financial Aid). Please note: Out of country colleges and universities are not considered Title IV Federal Schools and therefore do not qualify for Higher Education Assistance;
- Class schedule from the vocational school, community college, or university you plan on attending; and
- If applying for assistance for tuition, books or on-campus room and board at a Title IV eligible program, apply for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) annually, prior to the start of the quarter/semester for which assistance is being sought, and submit results (Student Aid Report- SAR) to the Higher Education Program within 30 days of application to the Higher Education Program. Students who fail to submit the SAR within 30 days of application will be ineligible for assistance from the Higher Education Program until the SAR is received.
Student Requirements
- Applicants who fail to provide any of the documents describe above will not be eligible for assistance until all such documents are received.
- Federal Pell Grants must be applied toward tuitions costs before Higher Education funds are used. Students must verify that all Pell Grants have been deducted from tuition costs. Failure to do so may result in the student having to reimburse the Higher Education Program for tuition that should have been paid by the Pell Grant.
- All students will be required to turn in progress reports, evaluation forms and/or grades at the end of each quarter/semester, whichever is applicable, to the Higher Education Program. Failure to do so may delay processing of future assistance from the Higher Education Program.
- Students are responsible to request an obligation letter as soon as they are registered and must submit a copy of their registration and grades to the Higher Education Program.
- Student must carry a 2.0 or better grade point average in order to remain eligible to receive assistance.
- Students must complete at least 50% of classes registered for while still attaining the required GPA. Students must send a copy of any added or dropped classes to the Higher Education Program.
- To satisfy probation and suspension, applicant must take at a minimum one 5-credit class or two 3-credit pre-requisite classes and pass with a 2.0 or higher on their own.
- Students who drop classes or withdraw from school must immediately send the Higher Education office a copy of the add/drop form or a signed copy of the withdraw form. Students who drop classes or withdraw from school after the tuition reimbursement deadline will be subject to corrective action.
- Emergency situations: Students who are unable to comply with the add/drop requirements due to a serious illness or to fulfill family obligations relating to death of a family member or to care for a family member with a serious health condition may request an exception to these requirements by submitting information documenting their or their family member’s serious health condition.
Applications, Policies and Procedures
Applications and complete Puyallup Tribe Higher Education Program Policies and Requirements can be obtained at the above address. Please Note: Policies are subject to change during the course of the year.
Joyce Tobolski, Manager
P: (253) 573-7918
F: (253) 573-7865
Angela Shippentower, Manager
P: (253) 573-7885
F: (253) 573-7823
Rachel Henry, Administrative Assistant
P: (253) 573-7917
F: (253) 573-7865