Submitted by the Sustainability Working Group
Trees, plants, rocks and boulders in and on each side of our Puyallup River and tributaries have provided safe habit for salmon and many other animals we have relied on since time immemorial.
Continued development and rising temperatures are causing lands, streams and creeks to become warmer, dryer, and some plants and bushes to die out. Other plants that can survive in higher temperatures take over causing changes to the landscape and wildlife.
We can expect to see more wildlife near the Puyallup River and tributaries as animals move toward places they can survive. It is more important now than ever to continue to protect and enhance water quality and natural lands adjacent to all our waterways, or riparian areas.
We can help save wildlife and our natural environment by placing more protection and restoration efforts into these areas. Our Natural Resources Department continues to work toward ecological restoration. What we can do today will affect us, our natural habitat and wildlife now and well into the future.