College Application Month Prompts Students and Staff to Share Their Reasons for #WhyApply to College


Eagle Lodge counselor Rafael Sermeno shares in a heartfelt video his reasons for why he applied to college. “This is what I believe in,” Rafael says in his video. “Nelson Mandela said, ‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.’ What do you believe in?” This sparked a schoolwide campaign for students and staff to explain why they applied to college as a way to encourage our students to have a plan after high school.

Harlea Armstrong, a senior at Chief Leschi Schools, shares, “By going to art school, I’ll be able to improve my skills and benefit more in doing the things I love the most!” Harlea, a talented artist, plans on applying and attending the Art Institute in Seattle.

Other students shared why they will be applying. Emma Keating said, “To become a pediatrician”; Isaac McKinney says, “4 A Better Life.”

Covering the hallways, Superintendent’s Office, and the Instructional Innovation team’s of ce were staff members’ reasons why they applied to college. They said things like, “Create a better future! Give back to your community! I never viewed college as optional.” “Furthering your education will make your ancestors proud (they fought for your right to do so) and will open doors to go places you only have imagined.” “You should go to college because knowledge is power!”

Elementary counselor Brigette Curry states in her #WhyApply video, “I applied because it gave me the opportunity to have a job that I am passionate about and I look forward to coming to work every single day … I consider myself a life-long learner.” These videos and pictures were just a few of the explanations our staff gave to our students on why applying to college is important.

A study by Pew Research Center shows that millennials ages 25 to 32 with a college degree earn $17,500 more annually than their counterparts who didn’t pursue higher education, and that gap is only growing wider. While data is steadily rising for Native American students applying to college, it is still even more essential for Native American students to apply and attend college.

The Chief Leschi Schools College Application Month with the hashtag Why Apply is part of creating a climate where students see themselves as “college” ready, as well as a way to encourage our students to start thinking about their plan after high school.

Counselor Rafael Sermeno asks, “What do you believe in?”

Chief Leschi Schools believes in our students.